Mary Rolleston (1845 – 1940)

“…nothing said about the Pilgrim mothers? Yet, they bore the same discomforts, hardships and privation and in addition had to put up with the Pilgrim fathers.” Mary Rolleston – Woman’s Division of the Farmer’s Union – Year Unknown As the bells of The Holy Trinity of Avonside tolled over the eastern side of Christchurch – …

William Rolleston (1831 – 1903)

William Rolleston (1831 – 1903)         Died of old age    Place of Death: Kapunatiki (near Temuka) William was the fourth and last Canterbury Superintendent.  The township of Rolleston is named in his memory. Buried in the Holy Trinity of Avonside Church Cemetery, Christchurch The story of William Rolleston: Photo taken by Annette Bulovic