• MCCORMACK’S BAY – William McCormack (1822 – 1868)

    As the ‘Charlotte Jane’ sailed into Lyttelton Harbour that fine morning of the 16th December 1850, William and Jane McCormack were ready to leave their steerage voyage behind them and make a go at a new life in a new land. There is very little about the pair, I don’t know if they were married …


    The naming of Taylor’s Mistake has and will continue to baffle Cantab’s historians. Unbelievably, three persons by the name Taylor passed through Vincent’s Bay (as it was called during the early 1850’s) in the small space of 9 years. The name of Vincent’s Bay came from Captain John Vincent who wrecked his schooner there sometime …

  • SHIRLEY – Susannah Buxton (1807 – 1867)

    When our First Four Ships arrived in Lyttelton late 1850, the area that was to become known as Shirley attracted the settlers immediately. It was land rich with streams and sand dunes. In fact, one of the first big farms established there was named Sand Dune Station. By 1863, after most of the marsh had …


    Redcliffs in Maori is ‘Raekura’ and for some historians, the name of Redcliffs came about in the attempt of the European trying to spell and pronounce ‘Raekura’ correctly. ‘Raekura’ means ‘red glowing headlands’ so on the flip side of the ‘naming’ coin is the obvious red cliffs of Redcliffs. The first European name for the …

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